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Ronny Mhlongo was born and raised in Giyani, Limpopo. Married with children – the oldest currently in grade 11 – he came over 20 years ago to Johannesburg to look for work and better income. He initially struggled when he arrived and as a result decided to create his own work on the streets of Jozi. A naturally outgoing personality, Ronny has always been a people person, playing up his wit to make others smile and warm up to him.

“I am fortunate that I connect easily with people. I make sure that whatever I do, I put my heart into it and give it my all. Doing honest business has helped me earn the trust of regular customers and given me a stable income too”, says Ronny.

Ronny does all sorts of work including guarding parked cars, helping customers offload or pack heavy goods, cleaning up the streets he operates in and even assisting other car guards to get paid through his Yoco Khumo that he got last year November 2021 when it initially came out.

Ronny started working as a car guard in 2000 in the Zoo Lake Parkview area after which he later learned that there were better prospects in Delta park in Blairgowrie. The park had many people in the community going to relax and spend time with their families there. Ronny would watch their cars and assist with keeping the park clean in exchange for money. He operated there for a season after which he left it to work in Parkhurst’s busy 4th street where he is currently operating.

This is when he learned about Yoco whose Joburg offices were in Parkhurst at the time before moving to Rosebank. Yoco employees who parked in the area became his regulars and got to know him very well. A Yoco salesperson saw Ronny’s potential and arranged a Yoco Go and a motorbike to help increase his earning potential on the streets.

“I gave the motorbike to a cousin of mine back in Limpopo who registered himself as a delivery person on Uber Eats and has been delivering and making income for himself since”, says Ronny.

Yoco, Ronny, car guard, Ronny Mhlongo

Yoco has had a considerable impact on Ronny’s business as he recollects how things changed very quickly for him when he came into contact with the brand. He upgraded to using the Yoco Neo and now Yoco Khumo which he loves noting that the free, unlimited 4G data and WiFi connectivity make payments so seamless and quick. With the Khumo, Ronny is able to track how much money he is making, set targets for himself on how much he will make and save each week which all allows him to plan for the future of his family and himself.

Comfortably stationed outside the Modena Italian Eatery on 4th, Ronny parks cars and makes sure that any suspicious activity is reported to restaurant owners, security on duty, and where possible the police to ensure that customers enjoy their time out whether it be for lunch or dinner.

“When I first came to this block, it was made very clear that car guards were not allowed because of previous criminal activities such as snatching customer phones or stealing their cars while they were eating”, says Ronny. “I made the business owners trust me by earning it little by little, and day by day. Today, 8 years later, I’m doing good and honest business with the community, and it is bearing fruit.”

In fact, when Ronny is not around, the absence of his warm, kind and very vibrant spirit is felt! Through this, Ronny was able to save up money to extend and renovate his home back in Giyani and put all three children through school as well as provide for their day-to-day needs. Through donations collected from grateful customers and business owners on the street, Ronny also recently bought himself a Mazda 3 that he is proud of.

Having three Yoco card machines, Ronny decided to add to his income stream by renting out his card machines to car guards in the area who in turn pay him an agreed-on fee to make payments through them. In this way they become his clients by using his machine.

“There is money in everything that you do when you are patient and passionate about what you do”, says Ronny. “Appreciate what you have and make the most of it. If you are good and kind to everyone you meet, the world will be kind and give back that kindness to you!”

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