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This weekend, WeThinkCode_, an academy that delivers a world-class coding curriculum, celebrated the graduation of the 2020 cohort. WeThinkCode is a code training academy that aims to create a reliable pipeline of skilled software developers for businesses, while addressing the challenge of youth unemployment.

The two graduation ceremonies hosted in Cape Town and Johannesburg over the weekend sees a total of 239 students graduate from their 2020 cohort. The graduation celebrated the perseverance of the cohort and their successful completion of the 20-month programme despite their challenging learning journey through a global pandemic. The graduating class of 2020  recently completed their 4-month internships with many already having secured permanent employment with partners such as BBD, BCX, StructureIT, Yoco, Momentum Metropolitan, OutSurance, Old Mutual and GK Africa.

“It goes without saying that we are exceptionally proud of the class of 2022. These students have demonstrated their resilience and fortitude by overcoming the difficulties of adapting to remote learning and by overcoming major socio-economic barriers to pursue higher education, gaining sought after tech skills. Having witnessed first-hand their ability to show up with perseverance, resilience and self-discipline, this graduation marks a proud moment for the 2020 cohort and the WeThinkCode team who have supported their journey. It also serves as a symbolic handing over of the baton to our sponsoring and hiring partners, who will now continue the learning and growth journey of each student as they launch their careers in tech,”  says Nyari Samushonga, CEO of WeThinkCode_.

graduation, software development, youth empowerment, WeThinkCode_,

WeThinkCode_’s mission is to recruit sharp young minds from underserved communities and train them to become work-ready software developers. To date their permanent placement rate post-graduation is 93%, and they continue to service long standing partners who recruit from their talent pool each year.

“Our skills development initiatives are focused on skilling under-resourced youth with future-ready skills in ICT, such as coding and data science.  We do this by partnering with carefully selected, accredited organisations such as WeThinkCode_.  In doing so, we hope to actively influence social change, says Mandisa Ntloko-Petersen, Chief Marketing Officer at BCX.

BCX has funded the opening of the Cape Town campus and continues to fund cohorts of at least 60 students per year. Since 2018, BCX has funded the tuition for 304 students and employed 52 of these students, having recently signed a 3-year extended agreement to fund an additional 300 students.

Ntloko-Petersen believes that every company has a responsibility to ensure the development and sustainability of the communities in which they operate. “Our partnership with WeThinkCode helps us do just that. A positive future starts with our youth and in ensuring they are skilled in areas required by the market, such as coding.”

WeThinkCode_ continues to grow their partner base, opening a variety of industry sectors for students to explore during their internship periods. To find out more about the curriculum and team visit https://www.wethinkcode.co.za/.

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