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The African SAP User Group (AFSUG) has announced several upgrades to its Saphila App, which will be put to use by visitors and exhibitors alike this year during its biennial conference for SAP users, Saphila, which takes place at Sun City on 10 and 11 June this year.

“2019’s version of the Saphila app is what we call an integrated intelligent enterprise solution at work,” says Tracey Greig, spokesperson at AFSUG. “It wholly embraces our ‘hellofuture’ theme in its ability to integrate the entire delegate experience – from registration right through to departure – and it will do this in a variety of ways.

“The most interesting of these, at least to corporates who, let’s face it, demand ROI, is the fact that we’ve included beacon technology at each stand, which communicates directly with the app.”

The beacons will automatically discern the closeness of visitors to Saphila partner stands and, with new app features allowing wayfinding, proximity alerts, stream monitoring and new networking opportunities, Saphila is able to create an intelligent and personal experience for attendees.

“The location beacons provide information, leads and insight into brand engagements at stands, offering sponsors detailed information around who visited their stands, how often they stopped by, and how long people spent on stand during each interaction.

“Once a delegate has spent more than eight minutes at the stand, they’ll automatically be asked if they’d like further information to be shared with them and if they say ‘yes’, it will duly be shared on. In addition, personalised messages will be sent via proximity to areas, and footfall tracked to measure capacity at streams and venues.”

It doesn’t end there, says Greig.

In 2019, Saphila streams will truly live up to their name as each stream will be recorded using robotic camera technology. Each stream will also have a location beacon that will track the capacity of each room – and as the room gets to 80 percent capacity, delegates will be notified that the room is filling up.

Once the stream has reached capacity, delegates who have added the item to their personal agenda on the app will be sent a notification, which will take them to a link that allows them to watch the live recording, and this means room capacity is no longer a barrier to entry for popular streams.

“These links will also be active after Saphila for on sharing with colleagues and extending the life cycle of the talks and workshops,” says Greig.

The app itself has been upgraded and includes new technologies, all of which will prove useful to delegates, including About, Speakers, Agenda, Customised Agenda (My Agenda), Exhibitors, Insights/Articles, Venue Map/Directions, Inbox, In-app chat, In-app notifications and Social Sharing.

“Saphila 2019 is about integration, innovation and the future, and the 2019 app is just one of the ways we’re putting our money where our mouths are,” says Greig.

For more information around Saphila 2019, or to register to attend, please visit www.hellosaphila2019.com.

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