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The most sought-after resource every leader wants and needs, and that never seems like enough no matter how much of it you have, is time. For South Africa’s top finance leaders, finding ways to manage their time effectively is crucial to the success of their organisations, as well as finding balance, calm and fulfilment in their personal lives.

You’ve got mail

Most professionals can relate when it comes to identifying the biggest time wasters of the work day. Meetings that go on too long or that could have been an email are a major bug bear for most, but the time spent checking emails seems a close second.

Mark van Deventer, CFO at adidas, says that checking emails can be a time-consuming activity in his day, but that it’s a challenge he’s working on addressing. “I am trying to put a system in place where I only check my mails every two to three hours,” he says.

While some find it helpful to adopt new structures and approaches to avoid wasting too much time checking emails, others embrace life outside of the digital realm as a way to avoid their inboxes. For the CFO of Famous Brands, Nelly Shiluvana, being out in the wilderness of the Kruger taught her that she was able to go more than a few hours without checking her emails. “I had to learn to roll with it!” she says.

Nelly Shiluvana, CFO at Famous Brands

Early bird or night owl?

Van Deventer considers himself a night owl, and jokes that the workday should only start at 10am, adding that he struggles to get much done during the day when “people are constantly asking you questions, or requesting data to have ‘just in case'”. Shiluvana, on the other hand, is a morning person and loves to start her day early and when she’s fresh, to prevent “dragging out” the tasks she has on her to do list.

Spreadsheets will always have a special place in every CFOs heart (proven by an entire day dedicated to Excel and its appreciation!), and many would believe the typical CFO spends hours milling through spreadsheets. However, CFOs are increasingly careful of using their time more wisely.  This includes how they spend time destressing from their demanding jobs and finding balance in life.

“I go skydiving,” says Shiluvana nonchalantly. “There’s nothing like that shot of adrenaline for that 60 to 90 seconds, which is exactly what I need to keep my day going.”

Adrenaline junkie sports aside, Van Deventer says that finding ways to destress outside of work is key, and emphasises the importance of mental, emotional and physical support. “I have a big support group, from life coaches to family and friends, but another way I keep sane is through exercise,” he says.

Find out how the nation’s top CFOs spend their time in and out of office by watching the ‘How I Work‘ series, proudly sponsored by SAICA and Finnivo®, and get to know how the best get it done.

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